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Showing posts with label Food and Nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food and Nutrition. Show all posts

Yam validated to treat cancer, diabetes, pain, bone loss, others

The Guarduan Nigeria. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2018.

Water yam (Dioscorea alata)… inset are the leaves of English lesser yam (Dioscorea esculenta)

Can extracts of the tubers and leaves of some species of yam be used to beat cancer, diabetes, pain, arthritis, bone loss, and premenopausal syndrome?

Researchers say the tuber of yam (Dioscorea esculenta) may provide a possible source for the discovery of anti-inflammatory agents (painkillers) without the adverse effects associated with the use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs.

The study published in African Journal of Biotechnology is titled "Anti-inflammatory studies of yam (Dioscorea esculenta) extract on wistar rats."

The researchers from the Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, led by J. O. Olayemi and E. O. Ajaiyeoba, evaluated the defatted methanol extract of Dioscorea esculenta tuber for anti-inflammatory properties in animal model using Wistar rats.

The study was done using the cotton thread method in measuring the right hind paw oedema and granuloma tissue formation in rats. The extract was tested at doses between 100 - 200 mg/kg body weight of rats.

Preliminary phytochemical screening confirmed the presence of saponins, disgenin, -sistosterol, stigmasterol, cardiac glycosides, fat and starch.

The extract exhibited significant inhibition of the carrageenan-induced oedema that was dose-dependent with a good initial effect in one hour and two hour at doses of 100 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg, respectively.

The observed activity was comparable to that of 150 mg/kg acetylsalicylic acid that was used as a reference drug in the study. Dioscorea esculenta tuber methanol extract supports the folkloric use for management of inflammation.

BITTER LEAVES: Bitter leaf boosts fertility, fights prostate

- Bitter leaf boosts fertility, fights prostate
- Protect your vital organs with bitter leaves


Bitter leaf boosts fertility, fights prostate

By Kudirat Musa, Nigeria 
Monday, November 19, 2018

Dr Grace Johnson, a specialist, has said bitter leaf works so well for fertility, and

fights prostate cancer because its boost the functions of the reproductive system, balance hormones and help the ovary release healthy eggs.

Johnson, who is Food Nutritionist, told News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Monday, that the effect of bitter leaf ranges from specifically toning the reproductive organs and boosting overall health.

According to her, the problem with a lot of infertile patients is that they do not connect infertility with "fertile nutrition".

"Good nutrition is considered to be the foundation of a healthy body. That is why a healthy ovary will only be found in a healthy body.

"When the ovary is healthy, it releases a healthy egg (ovum) which once fertilized, results in a healthy pregnancy and if all goes well, you will have a healthy child.

"Bitter leaf has a bitter taste and it is true that most people cannot withstand it but remember that the best of medicines comes with a bitter taste and bitter leaf is ranked high among them,'' she said .

NAN reports that bitter leaf plant with leafy green vegetable and used in the form of vegetable eaten to promote and enhance the digestive tract to do job.

Johnson said "bitter leaf fight prostate cancer which is common among men who are over 40 years old and one of its known symptoms is difficult and painful urination.

"Bitter leaf is very good for this ailment. It increases the flow of urine and reduces the pain as well as regulates the spread of the cell.

"To fight prostate cancer with bitter leaf, just squeeze the fresh leaves in water and take a glassful four times daily while you constantly go for a checkup.

She added that bitter leaf also fight Insomnia, `insomnia is a condition that promotes habitual sleeplessness'.

Nutritionist, however, said that bitter leaf extract has been doing wonders for those suffering from sleeplessness by taking two glasses of bitter leaf solution every night and they would experience a calmness and sleep.

She said that almost everybody knows bitter leaf is a well-known remedy for stomachaches treating malaria, typhoid, diabetes, diarrhea, tuberculosis, gallstones, kidney disease, prevention of cancer and lowering of hypertension among others.

"It is important that bitter leaves should always be taken fresh in other to enjoy its miraculous health benefits,'' Johnson said.



Protect your vital organs with bitter leaves

By Anna Okon - Nigeria
Bitter-leaf ('Onugbu' by Igbos of Nigeria )
This plant is very useful in toning the vital organs of the body especially the liver and the kidney. 

Bitter-leaf can be very helpful in maintaining the optimum function of the liver to release bile acid every time people eat fatty foods. Another major function of the liver is the production of glycogen. Glycogen is stored energy that is released in times of low level of glucose especially for people who are fasting.

The liver should be well taken care of by using bitter-leaf. Once the liver has been damaged it can't be restored to its normal function. People with liver problems can drink a glass of boiled bitter leaves water every day.

Fibroid and infertility

Written by Oladapo Ashiru
~Punch Nigeria. Wednesday, August 22, 2018.

Oladapo Ashiru
In general, it is a well-known medical fact that most women will have fibroids during their lifetime. Fibroids affect around 30 per cent of all women by the age of 35 years, and from 20 to 80 percent by 50 years. They usually develop between the ages of 16 and 50 years.
The estrogen levels are higher at this reproductive period. In the past, women of this age would have already completed a family. But, today, many women have children later in life. It is common to start a family in your thirties or even forties, rather than in your twenties. It makes understanding the potential relationship between fibroids and infertility very important.

Several authors confirmed that many women will have fibroids that would not hurt their chances of having children. The fibroids may stay small, or occur in areas that don't affect the reproductive system. But certain fibroids will have a profound effect on the ability to conceive, stay pregnant and carry a baby to term.

Based on their anatomical locations in the body, fibroids may prevent sperm and egg from meeting for conception. Fibroids can hamper the ability of an embryo to implant. They often grow in places or to sizes that make it challenging for a pregnancy to continue. Fibroids may even affect the health and welfare of the fetus.

Fibroids can reduce your fertility in these ways:
  • Fibroids that change the shape of your cervix can affect the number of sperm able to enter the uterus.
  • Fibroids that block the Fallopian tubes can make the journey of a fertilised egg to implantation difficult or impossible.
  • Fibroids which change the shape of your uterus may decrease the number of places an embryo can successfully implant or reduce uterine space needed for embryo development.
  • Fibroids that weaken the lining of the uterine cavity or decrease the blood supply to a growing embryo can cause miscarriage.

Estimating the overall incidence of fibroids in the population depends on the community under investigation and the sensitivity and specificity of the methods used to detect fibroids.
In a study by Oguniyi and Fasuba 1990; Sankaran and Manyonda, 2008), ultrasonography estimated a prevalence of 6.83% in asymptomatic Nigerian women.
This value is close to what has been reported in other parts of South-West Nigeria: 7.6 per cent and 8.35 per cent were recorded for Ife and Ilesha, both in Osun state, respectively; 3.2 per cent for Sagamu, Ogun State (Akinyemi et al., 2004).
However, higher values have been reported for other parts of the country, especially the eastern part: 13.6 per cent was recorded in Ebonyi State (Obuna et al., 2008); 19.75 per cent was reported for Irrua, Edo State; 25.9% obtained in Enugu (Ozumba et al., 2011).

What causes fibroid?
A review of the causes of fibroid points to the following as possible causes:

The wonderful healing power of cruciferous vegetables

TheGuardian Nigeria. Thursday, October 26, 2017.

The cruciferous vegetables like most vegetables loaded with phytochemicals (phytonutrients) are vegetables that can either reduce the risk of occurrence of some chronic degenerative diseases, including cancer or can actually heal. The cruciferous vegetables belong to the family of plants known as Brassicaceae. Their name, cruciferous is derived from the arrangement of the four petals of their flower, like the cross.

The following are the vegetables in this group that are commonly found in this country: Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and water cress. All these vegetables are rich in vitamins such as Vitamins C, K, B2, B6 and folic acid. Also found in them are minerals such as potassium, magnesium and the potent antioxidant selenium. They are also a rich source of soluble fiber and plant based Omega 3s.

Cruciferous vegetables contain other nutrients and phytochemicals that make them potential anticancer agents. These phytochemicals which belong to the group known as isothiocyanates are the 3,3′ diindolylmethane, sulphoraphane, and selenium. With these vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, the cruciferous vegetables help to lower the risk of diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease; they are both preventive and curative. These vegetables do these in the following ways:

1. They stop the growth of cancer cells in tumours of the breast, endometrium (the inner lining of the womb), lung, colon, liver and cervix.

2. The phytochemical, sulphoraphane stimulates enzymes in the body that detoxify carcinogens before they cause damage to the cells.

3. They reduce oxidative stress (overload of free radicals which destroy cells and their contents – DNA, causing cancer).

4. In combination with fish oils, the cruciferous vegetables help to protect against cardiovascular diseases.

Cucumber wonders is beyond improving men’s libido

~Vanguard Nigeria. Tuesday, July 4, 2017.

I REMEMBER that about eight to ten years ago in the office, cucumber and groundnut snack was the favourite of many men. I often wondered why almost all the men in the Newsroom took to that menu. On asking, I was told that it had been discovered that the combo worked magic for men’s libido. As usual for Nigerians, it was embraced but after a few months, it faded out. Only a few still follow the menu.

Today, research has moved cucumber beyond men’s libido to many other health benefits. You are probably familiar with the phrase "cool as a cucumber", which speaks directly to the soothing and cooling nature that cucumbers have when eaten. Cucumbers are extremely beneficial for overall health, especially during the dry season since they are mostly made up of water and important nutrients that are essential for the human body.

According to research, the flesh of cucumbers is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and folic acid while the hard skin of cucumbers is rich in fiber and a range of minerals including magnesium, molybdenum, and potassium. Additionally, cucumber contains silica, a trace mineral that contributes greatly to strengthening our connective tissues. Cucumbers are known to heal many skin problems, under eye swelling and sunburn. Cucumbers also contain ascorbic and caffeic acids which prevent water loss, therefore cucumber is frequently applied topically to burns and dermatitis.

Cucumbers originated in India almost 10,000 years ago, but are now cultivated in many different countries and continents and it is found in abundance all year long. Cucumber benefits range from preventing acidity to keeping skin well toned. Cucumber has high alkaline levels, thus regulating the body's blood pH and neutralizing acidity.

Patients with gastric issues should consume cucumbers frequently. It regulates blood pressure and contributes to the proper structure of connective tissues in our body, including those in the muscles, bones, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons.

During the summer, cucumbers help to normalize body temperature. Cucumber juice is diuretic, so it is able to prevent kidney stones. Cucumbers also counter the effects of uric acid, which prevents inflammations and conditions like arthritis, asthma, and gout. You will be quite surprised to know that this squash also promotes healthy hair growth and can treat skin ailments like psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

8 Things We All Need To Know About Our Blood Type!

Here’s what you need to know – a chemical reaction happens in our bodies (during the entire day) and the blood type can be crucial when it comes to digestion or weight loss. You can take this for example – it’s highly recommended that people with blood type O consume foods high in protein, such as: meat and fish! People with blood type A does not require meal consumption at all, because vegetables are more suitable for them. And, people with blood type B should avoid chicken and consume more red meat! And finally, people with blood type AB will benefit from sea foods and lean meat.

Here’s what you need to know – well, mostly because of the different formation of antigens on the surface of red blood cells, every blood type is different. Moreover, this is why every blood group is resistant to one type of disease, while being susceptive to some other type. So, knowing the characteristics of blood types can aid in prevention of specific diseases.

Can I ask you a simple question – did you know that your blood type can affect your personality? Well, of course and you can take this for example – people with blood type O are considered as extraverts, creative, social, and confident. While, people with blood type A are peaceful, artistically-minded, and trustworthy. People who are dedicated to their goals, strong, and are independent are usually people with blood type B. And finally, people with blood type AB are reliable, shy, responsible, and like to take care of others. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

The medical experts also say that women with a specific blood type group have bigger chances of getting pregnant than other types. Moreover, women with AB blood type produce less follicle stimulating hormone which helps women to conceive more easily.

Why sweet basil prevents obesity, hypertension

By Sade Oguntola
Nigerian Tribune. Sunday, April 2, 2017

Obesity is one of the biggest problems that is fast becoming a part of everyone's life. The rising number of obese people around the world goes to show modern lifestyle dictates can unhealthy state of being.

Of course, various diets along with a regular, suitable exercise regimen can help to shed the excess weight, but a new study has found regular intake of African basil as a way to entirely curb the risk of obesity.

According to the study, African basil could be used as functional foods for the management of obesity and obesity-related hypertension.

Researchers that looked at the effect of chemical constituents of African basil on key enzymes involved in obesity and hypertension said its regular intake can help to prevent or ameliorate obesity and hypertension, without noticeable side effects

In the study, researchers found that it inhibited the most important enzyme in the digestion of dietary fat, and as such may retard the uptake of fat, and consequently, reduce weight and obesity.

Also, it retards the biological pathways in the body that contributes to development of high blood pressure, thus exhibiting preventive or therapeutic activity against obesity induced high blood pressure.

According to the researchers, the free radical scavenge effects of African basil also complement its preventive or therapeutic activity against obesity and hypertension.

The 2016 study in the Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology involved Emmanuel Anyachukwu Irondi; Samson Olalekan Agboola; Ganiyu Oboh; and Aline Augusti Boligon.

Obesity, especially belly fat, is the most important risk factor for the development of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases like stroke. Population-based risk estimates studies have indicated that no less than two-thirds of all cases of hypertension can be directly attributed to obesity.

Obesity and obesity-related hypertension have become a global public health burden; their incidence being comparable with those of diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney diseases.

Ocimum gratissimum, commonly called Tea bush, Daidoya ta gida (Hausa), Nehonwu (Igbo), Tanmotswangi-wawagi (Nupe) and Efinrin (Yoruba) have important culinary and medicinal uses. Its leaves are used as fragrance and flavouring agent in a variety of products including food, beverages, condiments and toothpastes.

Reasons why Nigerians eat meat last

~Vanguard Nigeria. Friday, March 24, 2017.

You must have observed at the restaurant that many Nigerians eat their meat last. It raises the question, why do they eat the meat at the end of their meal?

The type of meat you will most likely to get in a restaurant include round about,ponmo,shaki, chicken, and cow/goat meat. Interestingly, this practice knows no gender as both boys and girls do it.Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency shares some hilarious reasons why some Nigerians eat meat last.

You save the best for last
Image result for africans eating meat images
You order 3 wraps of Eba and sizzling vegetable and meat. The meat is like a trophy you are rewarded with after you have successfully dealt with the wraps ofeba,Congratulations, this is your meat trophy, you can now eat it. You clasp your fingers, pick your meat in a slow motion, drop in your mouth, close your eyes to savour the taste and chew. Wow!

It is embarrassing when eating and there is no meat

Yes now. You are eating a plate of rice and you eat your meat at the middle or beginning of your meal, you yourself will be embarrassed. If unfortunately at that very moment you ate your meat before finishing your meal a pretty lady sits beside or in front of you, you will regret ever eating your meat. In fact, shame will not allow you finish the meal.

It motivates you to complete the meal

Quite a number of people cannot eat a meal if there is no meat let alone complete it. So, the meat inspires and motivates you to empty your food in your stomach. You will even salivate as you look forward to devouring the meat.

It is the way 'I' was brought up
Related image
For some Nigerians, the reason why they eat meat last is the way they were brought. The watchful eyes of mummy will not allow them to eat the meat until they finish the food. Hence, you dare not try to eat your meat immediately you start eating if you don't want to receive ahot slap. So, it is already part of them.

You don't have enough money to buy meat

If you buy like 5 types of meat buy your plate of write, there will be enough meat to run the full length of the meal. This will enable to eat meat at the beginning, middle, and end. But, you can't try this if you bought only one meat. You have to reserve it until the end.

It is bad habit

Some people consider eating your meat immediately as bad habit.

How onions improve sleep, relieve stress

~The Guardian Nigeria. Tuesday, March 14, 2017.

Onions…scientists have discovered that the popular vegetables
could help humans to relax – allowing them a better night's sleep.
They are known to be high in prebiotics, dietary fibers
that act as food for good stomach bacteria. 
Low-carb, high-fat diet may provide cure for epilepsy, seizures

Eat onions, leeks and artichokes if you are stressed and struggling to sleep.

For scientists have discovered that the popular vegetables could help humans to relax – allowing them a better night's sleep.

They are known to be high in prebiotics, dietary fibers that act as food for good stomach bacteria.

And a groundbreaking new study has found these help to boost gut health by aiding the growth of beneficial bugs.

They also release metabolic byproducts, which influence the brain into overcoming worry and fear, research shows.

Experts believe the findings strengthen the ever-growing link between gut bacteria and overall health.

A lot is already known about probiotics – live bacteria designed to improve gut health – but research on prebiotics is relatively scarce.

To test their effects, a team of United States (U.S.) scientists fed three-week-old male rats a diet of either standard chow or chow that included prebiotics.

The rodents are often used in scientific research due to their close genetic and behavioural resemblance to humans.

They then monitored the rodents' body temperature, levels of stomach bacteria and sleeping cycles using a brain activity testing.

Those on the prebiotic diet spent more time in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREM), the researchers from University of Colorado Boulder found.

Why banana, oranges heighten mood -Experts

Written by Sade Oguntola
The Nigerian Tribune. Thursday, March 2, 2017. 

Consuming fruits and vegetables in our daily diet are not only healthy because they help reduce the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and stroke, but researchers now say that its psychological benefits can also be tapped into to tackle depression.

Researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand found that young adults who were given extra fruits and vegetables each day for two weeks ate more of the produce and experienced a boost in motivation and vitality.

They enrolled 171 students aged between 18 and 25 and were divided into three groups for the two-week study. One group continued with their normal eating pattern; the second were personally handed two additional servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, including carrots, kiwi fruit, apples, and oranges each day, but the last group were given prepaid produce vouchers and received text reminders to consume more fruits and vegetables.

The participants were subjected to psychological assessments that evaluated mood, vitality, motivation, symptoms of depression and anxiety, and other determinants of mental health and well-being at the beginning and end of the study.

The researchers found that participants who personally received extra fruits and vegetables experienced improvements in psychological well-being. They demonstrated improvements in vitality, motivation, and flourishing.

But the other two groups showed no improvements in psychological well-being over the two-week period. Furthermore, no improvements were seen in symptoms of depression and anxiety in any of the groups.

Still, the researchers say that their findings in the journal PLOS One indicate that increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables through personal delivery may lead to rapid benefits for psychological well-being.

Beware of poisons in the cooking pot!

Written by Sola Ogundipe
~Vanguard Nigeria. Monday, January 2, 2017.

Part of living healthier is eating healthier. Consumption of fruits, vegetables, seeds and beans are all essential parts of a well-balanced and healthy diet, but beware that your food id either edible or poisonous and detrimental to health.

While most of us don't think about the way we consume everyday foods, there are reasons behind why we are trained to eat only certain parts of their anatomy. Even during food processing, there are several procedures that strip foods of their poisons to make them human-friendly.

People infected with food-borne organisms may be symptom-free or may have symptoms ranging from mild intestinal discomfort to severe dehydration and bloody diarrhoea. Depending on the type of infection, people can even die as a result of food poisoning.

More than 250 different diseases can cause food poisoning. Some of the most common diseases are infections caused by bacteria, such as Campylobacter,Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli O157:H7, Listeria, botulism and norovirus. Here are some foods to be wary of this year.


Avoid eating Red or Blood Clams, regardless if they're a delicacy. Known to cause hepatitis A & E, typhoid and dysentery, these red clams have been banned in many countries, but could be encountered as sushi. You can be assured of its safety - as long as you have proof that they were safely cultivated! Illegal imports of clams are common in most Chinatown settlements, so be forewarned!


Elderberries, delightful as marmalade, wine and pancake syrup, have a dark secret hidden in its branches: cyanide. While it is a beautiful plant, don't be fooled! This plant, often used in medicinal syrups, sodas and liquors can cause a severely upset stomach if consumed incorrectly. The flowers are the part of the plant used to make all things elderberry. The stems and various other parts of the plant, when consumed, can cause severe stomach issues. Take caution when drinking herbal teas made of elderberry leaves, and don't even think about eating the unripe fruits and flowers that contain a toxic alkaloid.

Why chicken is good for men

~Punch Nigeria. Wednesday, December 28, 2016.

From soup preparations to fried and roasted forms, chicken is a popular food in India that is cooked in multitude ways in every household. Chicken is one of the most valued foods among people of all ages, throughout the world. Not only it forms a crucial part of various culinary traditions but it is also highly nutritious and delicious to taste. Here are some amazing health benefits of eating chicken.

Helps boost testosterone levels

Men should consume foods rich in zinc as it helps regulate testosterone levels as well as boost sperm production.

Helps build muscles

Chicken is one of the best non-vegetarian sources of protein. It is lean meat, which means that it contains more amount of proteins and less amount of fat. A 100g serving of roasted chicken offers you 31g of protein, making it great for those who want to bulk up and build muscles.

Keeps their bones healthy

Apart from protein, chicken is rich in several minerals like phosphorus and calcium, that helps keeps bones in mint condition. Also, it has selenium which has been known to cut risk of arthritis.

Relieves stress

Chicken has two nutrients that are great for reducing stress - tryptophan and Vitamin B5. Both of them have a calming effect on your body and this makes chicken an excellent option after a stressful day. Also, it tastes great and that too adds to its stress releasing, happiness inducing properties. Read our mega guide on how to deal with stress.

Reduces PMS symptoms

Magnesium, a nutrient present in chicken helps soothe symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome and fight the various mood changes that a woman might experience during her periods. Here are more tips on dealing with PMS.

Boosts immunity

How to manage abdominal pain in children

Written by Dr Rotimi Adesanya
Web: www.doctoradesanya.
~Punch Nigeria. Friday, November 11, 2016. 

Dr Rotimi Adesanya
Most children complain of abdominal pain (or stomach ache) at one time or another. While there may be no cause for alarm in most cases, parents should take such children to the hospital if the pain is severe and persistent or if such children seem generally unwell.

Causes of stomach ache
The term 'stomach ache' is casually used for all types of pain experienced in the abdominal area, but anyone who has suffered it knows that one stomach ache can be different from another. Not only can a stomach ache occur high up under the ribs or down low in the guts; its intensity varies.

Stomach pain in children is often caused by excessive gas and indigestion, which might not be a serious issue. A 'sore tummy' may also be a sign of infections like food poisoning, gastroenteritis, pneumonia or urinary tract infections.

Severe stomach pain might be caused by more serious or surgical illnesses like appendicitis or intussusceptions, which is when part of the gut slides into or over itself. Pain in the stomach that keeps coming back might be associated with constipation, food intolerance or inflammation in the gut.

The symptoms that come with stomach pain may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, constipation, bloating and loss of appetite. These symptoms vary, depending on the underlying cause of the pain.

Today's Health Matters: Things you must do to prevent heart disease


Things you must do to prevent heart disease
Natural remedies for executive stress, metabolic syndrome
Correcting irregular menstruation

Things you must do to prevent heart disease
Written by Kofo Ogunyankin, Consultant Cardiologist
~Punch Nigeria. Thursday, September 29, 2016.

Kofo Ogunyankin
The World Heart Federation designates every September 29 as the World Heart Day to raise awareness worldwide about heart diseases. This is with a focus on preventing or reducing cardiovascular deaths and stroke.

Current statistics show that heart diseases are responsible for about 17.1 million deaths worldwide every year. This is more than the cumulative global death rate due to cancer, HIV/AIDS and malaria fever.

In Nigeria, there is a significant lack of awareness of the burden imposed on the society by heart diseases and stroke, partly due to a lack of systematic data collection and our pre-occupation with fighting malaria and other communicable diseases.

The theme for the 2016 WHD is 'Power your Life'. This is broken down in to the following actionable components:

Fuel your heart

The food we eat and the calories in our drinks provide the fuel for our body. Overeating is a big problem worldwide and Nigerians are not spared from the obesity epidemic. Unfortunately, most people who are overweight are in denial of the role they have personally played through their eating and drinking habits.

When confronted about weight gain, the common excuses that the average Nigerian often gives include "I have heavy bones", "I eat less food than a child", "I eat only once a day" and so on. There is no doubt that there are genetically determined reasons for differences between individuals in how much weight that is gained from a given calorie intake.

However, if each person determines to eat only what is needed to live and no more, weight loss will occur. As the saying goes, you should 'eat to live and not live to eat'. I advise my patients to think of whatever they consume (food or drink) as a bank deposit and their weight as the monthly account balance.

Eating well is not complicated. The basic tenet is for each individual to make an effort to control what they eat. This might mean taking your lunch to work if the only choices available at work are not heart-friendly.

Foods to help you sleep better

~Punch Nigeria. Wednesday, September 14, 2016.

Adding these foods to your diet may help to increase your odds of a successful slumber.
Some people have trouble falling asleep. Others can't stay asleep. And then there are the people who have trouble turning life "off" and tucking into bed at a reasonable hour.
Whatever the reason, the health benefits of a good night's rest are countless: sleep helps keep you happy, your brain sharp, your immune system strong, your waistline trim, your skin looking youthful-and lowers your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
Here's the good news: Adding these foods to your diet may help to increase your odds of a successful slumber.
  • Fish

Most fish-and especially salmon, halibut and tuna-boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness), according to an article published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

  • Jasmine rice
When healthy sleepers ate carbohydrate-rich suppers of veggies and tomato sauce over rice, they fell asleep significantly faster at bedtime if the meal included high-glycemic-index (GI) jasmine rice rather than lower-GI long-grain rice, in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. While the authors aren't sure how it happened, they speculated that the greater amounts of insulin triggered by the high-GI meals increased the ratio of sleep-inducing tryptophan relative to other amino acids in the blood, allowing proportionately more to get into the brain.

  • Yogurt
Dairy products like yogurt and milk boast healthy doses of calcium-and there's research that suggests being calcium-deficient may make it difficult to fall asleep.

Hazards of consuming aloe vera

Written by Oladapo Ashiru
Professor of Anatomy/Consultant Reproductive Endocrinologist,
~Punch Nigeria. Wednesday, September 14, 2016.

Written by Oladapo Ashiru
Aloe vera is a succulent cactus plant species of the genus aloe, belonging to the family Liliaceae. It is widely known as "the Miracle plant" for its various medical, cosmetic and nutraceutical purposes. Aloe vera gel is a slick substance that is extracted from the interior of the aloe vera leaf, while latex refers to the yellow part which lies beneath the leaf skin. It grows in wild tropical climates around the world and it is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal use.

Aloe vera is a thick, short-stemmed plant that stores water in its leaves.
It is widely used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries, and has an estimated annual market value of $13 billion globally .Aloe vera is well recognised by its thick, pointed and fleshy green leaves, which can grow to about 12-19 inches (30-50 cm) in length.
Each leaf is full of a slimy tissue that stores water, which makes the leaves thick. This slimy, water-filled tissue is the "gel" we associate with aloe vera products.
The gel contains most of the bioactive compounds in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.

Bottom line: Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant that is used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Its leaves are full of a gel-like substance that contains numerous beneficial compounds.
Aloe vera is a good product for external use. If consumed orally over a long time, it has far-reaching medical consequences.

Benefits of external use of aloe vera
Applying aloe vera gel is considered safe. It has been employed for use on the skin because of its healing properties.
  • It can be used on burns, skin abrasions, psoriasis and bug bites. Medical attention should be sought for severe burns, wounds, or frostbite. It can also be used in Human Papiloma Virus infection and for wound healing in people who are not allergic or sensitive to aloe.

Detoxification: Simple ways to detoxify the body


  • Simple ways to detoxify the body
  • How do you know you need to detoxify?


Simple ways to detoxify the body
~Punch Nigeria. Wednesday, September 7, 2016. 

Detoxification is a necessary process to promote full body health; this is especially true if you are not the healthiest eater. The process removes harmful or toxic substances from your body, leading to better health and a great starting place for a new healthy lifestyle. If you experience any of the following, it is the likely time for a detox.

If you chronically feel stressed out, it may be a sign that your body needs a detox. Your body is trying to tell you something is wrong.
Detoxification helps to improve our overall health and vitality. It increase our energy levels, improves digestion, and reduces weight and the risk of many chronic disease.
Generally, detoxification leaves you renewed, rejuvenated, even as it can prolong your life.
Here are some simple ways you can reduce the amount of toxins in your system.

Wipe your feet
Your shoes can play a vital role in detoxifying your home. Pesticides and lead-contaminated dust, not to mention annoying pollen during allergy season, tend to settle on the ground and stick to footwear. Wiping your feet on an abrasive, high quality doormat before walking inside can keep toxins from invading your space. Better yet, make a habit of taking off your shoes at the door.

Food preparation
Food containing protein and carbohydrate are good, however do not boil or microwave them too much, overcooking may destroy the toxin-fighting compounds. When you eat boiled egg, the soft-boiled egg is better because when the egg is over boiled, it denatures the protein and therefore removes the nutritional value.

Eat properly
The way we eat can bring about toxins into the intestinal system. Most of the time, we swallow our food instead of chewing until it is in a semi-liquefied or paste form. This will lead to the stomach expelling semi-solid food into the intestines. These will create obstruction that causes fermentation and putrefaction. The result will be potbelly, intoxification, erectile dysfunction, bad breath, flatulence, infertility and more.

High cholesterol is dangerous, prevent it!

Written by Rotimi Adesanya
~Punch Nigeria. Wednesday, August 17, 2016.
Web for more health tipswww.doctoradesanya.blogspot. com

During the last festive period, a woman in her middle age developed partial stroke and was admitted in the hospital. She recovered fully but the family felt that the problem might not be stroke since the woman's blood pressure had never been high and her blood sugar level had always been within the normal range, meaning she was not hypertensive or diabetic.
Her blood sample, which was sent to the lab for investigations, showed elevated blood cholesterol, a condition called hypercholesterolemia. It was later found that high cholesterol was responsible for the first stroke she suffered.

Hypercholesterolemia, or high cholesterol, occurs when there is too much cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy, fat-like substance that is a natural component of all the cells in the body. The body makes all the cholesterol it needs. However, added cholesterol, which comes from the foods eaten, may cause harm.

High cholesterol raises the risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. When there is too much cholesterol circulating in the blood, it can create sticky deposits (called plaque) along the artery walls. Plaque can eventually narrow or block the flow of blood to the brain, heart, and other organs. Blood cells that get caught on the plaque form clots, which can break loose and completely block blood flow through an artery, causing heart attack or stroke.
While heredity may be a factor for some people, the main culprits are lack of exercise and diets high in saturated fat. High cholesterol can be prevented, sometimes with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) alone. If these do not work, your doctor may recommend medications to lower your cholesterol levels.

Signs and symptoms
In the early stages, there are usually no symptoms of high cholesterol. The only way to tell if the cholesterol is high is through a blood test.
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